Tom Piccirilli

 Tom Piccirilli 's Books

A very well recieved series by Tom Piccirilli are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are Cast in Dark Waters, A Lower Deep, Fuckin' Lie Down Already, Emerald Hell, The Walls of the Castle, Every Shallow Cut, You'd Better Watch Out, Sorrow's Crown, The Fever Kill, Thrust, Frayed, Headstone City, The Last Deep Breath, Nightjack, The Coldest Mile, The Last Kind Words: A Novel, The Last Kind Words, Short Ride to Nowhere, The Death Panel: Murder, Mayhem, and Madness, The Cold Spot, Streets of Shadows, The Midnight Road, A Choir of Ill Children, Pentacle - A Self Collection, Sorrow's crown afgm-2, Tales from the Crossroad, Volume 1, Vespers, November Mourns, The Nobody, Clown in the Moonlight, which was published in 2022.